Content model for
Rubicon CX was tasked with completing the content model for the relaunch of on the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).
Over eight months, we provided a content design that incorporated both business goals and user needs. We designed the following for development in AEM:
– 6 reusable widgets that could be incoporated into core components
– 3 content fragments that could be called throughout the site
– 4 experience fragments for commonly used content blocks
– 7 page templates to ensure the design integrity of the experience
– 29 content components for presentation on those templates
In addition to the content design, we also created authoring guides for a representative page for each template to ensure that business users and content authors would have the information they would need to maintain and populate content on the site.
We also contributed to the page-level content strategies for each page type.
Finally, as part of the run up to launch in August 2023, we shouldered the load of authoring content into the system, leading a team of content authors to make sure the site launched on time.

Content discovery and strategy for NAPA Online
Rubicon CX was tasked with completing a complete discovery project for NAPAOnline for Genuine Parts Company aimed at improving the content and experience strategy of the NAPA Online property.
To do this, we performed a full inventory and audit of GPC’s digital property and conducted high-level internal research to determine the business goals for the future state experience. Over 20 stockholders were interviewed for initial readout as well as store walks to ascertain product organization within the store.
A competitive audit was also performed including competitors in the auto parts space as well as best-of-breed experiences in other ares based on content features and goals.
Using the information gathered in the initial phases, Rubicon CX prepared a high-level content and experience strategy for the next evolution of NAPA online.
This content strategy included ecosystem consolidation, content quality improvement, content maintenance process improvement, and identifying new content to bring NAPA Online up to par with modern digital experiences for all of its audiences.
This tactical guidance culminate in a content strategy playbook around each major template and content type required for the NAPA Online experience to support not only business goals but customer needs.

A comprehensive content strategy
For the better part of 2020, Rubicon CX worked with Kennesaw State Unversity on a comprehensive, end-to-end content strategy for their digital presence.
This, of course, started with a full inventory and audit of the existing content and digital ecosystem for KSU. The results of this and of primary research with many stakeholders (around 40) then informed a content strategy brief that informed the creation of a voice and tone for the experience included in a larger set of editorial guidelines for content creation and maintenance moving forward.
Once this direction had been set, we transitioned to more tactical matters, including page-level content strategies for each template to be included on the site and a key messaging frameworks for each primary audience of the site.
To further support content delivery, we designed a foundational taxonomy for the tagging and presentation of content as part of an overall metadata and tagging strategy and specification.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Rubicon CX worked closely with KSU stakeholders to come up with a proposed, more streamlined governance model for site content and experience in the future state. This included a proposed starting and organizational model, roles and responsibilities, and editorial workflows.of-breed experiences in other ares based on content features and goals.
Using the information gathered in the initial phases, Rubicon CX prepared a high-level content and experience strategy for the next evolution of NAPA online.
This content strategy included ecosystem consolidation, content quality improvement, content maintenance process improvement, and identifying new content to bring NAPA Online up to par with modern digital experiences for all of its audiences.
This tactical guidance culminate in a content strategy playbook around each major template and content type required for the NAPA Online experience to support not only business goals but customer needs.

Product launch content strategy & copywriting
For the better part of 2020, Rubicon CX supported Cerence, the leader in providing AI solutions within your vehicles. First, we helped an overall content strategy, including a digital voice and tone to support their overall brand. This strategic effort also included page-level content strategies for the solutions landing nd product detail pages level templates.
With these foundations in place, Rubicon CX help Cerence implement a a repeatable product-launch content creation process. Each launch consisted of a press release, web content for the solutions and product pages, and a white paper of fact sheet to support he launch.
This resulted in a number of successful product launches supported by content on the web, both as page copy and downloadable PDFs. We focused on the product section and created content to support approximately 75% of the content that is currently live at, including the copy and fact sheets (below) in the following product areas:
1. Core Technologies
2. Cloud Services
3. Voice & Beyond
4. Mobility Platforms
5. Platform Developers

Creating a new fan-engagement experience
NASCAR had spent many years outsourcing it’s main digital presences to third-parties, foregoing any syndication and advertising opportunities and ceding editorial control of it’s wealth of existing content to that third party. They merely provided images and data from action at the tracks.
Upon deciding to take control of their digital footprint by taken the sites in house and standing up Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) from scratch, they engaged with a team to lead the content and experience strategy of the site. As lead content strategist, Tim Truxell, took the lead performing an existing state audit, supplemented by further reasearch, which then lead a suite of content activities and deliverables to inform not on the new experience design, but also site maintenance and management once the site had launched. These activities spanned all three content strategy pillars (content experience, content delivery, and content governance):
Content Experience
The following experience deliverables were completed: A full set of content recommendations based on a comprehensive audit to information the user experience and visual design, as well as further content work; a voice and tone for the NASCAR brand to act as its voice in the digital realm; and Editorial Guidelines to guide the creation and maintenance of site content on a day-to-day basis
Content Delivery
The following delivery deliverables were completed: A comprehensive content model to guide AEM development and provide editors and authors the system driven constraints necessary to ensure the integrity of the overall experience design; and a taxonomy and content and asset tagging strategy and metadata specification to guide the future appearance of dynamic and personalized content on the site.
Content Governance
The following governance deliverables were completed: a governance model to guide the continuing maintenance process, including the introduction of recurring content audits for content optimization; a comprehensive set of editorial workflows to guide content reviews during maintenance, including detailed editorial processes beyond the general systemic workflow steps.
Work examples
We’d be more happy to share additional examples of our work, but because of client confidentiality agreements, these cannot be currently posted publicly. Because of the client-sensitive information that may be contained here, viewing these examples requires a password. If you’d like to see more, contact us for access.
However, we’d be more than happy to walk you through any deliverables or other work that we have done in the past. Just get in touch to schedule time to do just that and we’ll send you the login in credentials for the full portfolio site.
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Where we work
We are located in Atlanta, but are well accustomed to doing business in a number of different times zones, ranging from IST to PST.
Office hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (EST)
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed
Contact details
Address: 1437 McPherson Ave. SE, Atlanta, GA 30316
Phone: +1 404.550.4561