Site Loader
The Heart of the Brand

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Digital Workspace

Where is the Brand in SharePoint Modern?

I spent a fair amount of time on SharePoint Modern projects in the last year of so, and you know what, I often found myself asking this same question. In the quest for easy implementation and out-of-the-box functionality, a lot is often left by the wayside. Look, I get it. Companies have to deal with limited budgets, and intranets or digital workspaces are generally low on their list of priorities, even though they tend to recognized their importance as a productivity tool.

Rubicon CX

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Rubicon CX

Welcome to Rubcion CX

It’s official. After weeks of wrangling legal and state issues, were currently officially a company. I look forward to working with many great agencies and companies, bringing my years of content strategy expertise to beat to help solve them solve their content problems.

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Brand Obama

A Newsweek blog has an interesting post describing how Obama’s branding efforts are more thorough and complete than any campaign thus far


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Rubicon CX

This Is My Career on Drugs

Here is the full text of a legitimate business e-mail I just sent in response to a request for helping out with a couple of hours of content work for a project I’m not assigned to: